
Bitcoin Cash hard fork - search results

Bitcoin Cash: the price remains stable after the fork

In the meantime, BTC continues to show its muscles and ends the week with the third-best closing ever

Bitcoin Cash: 165 thousand BCH on exchanges preparing for the fork

The chain will split into two to create another crypto

Bitcoin Cash reaches its third birthday

Here are some highlights of the BCH blockchain and the events that led to its birth

BIPs and forks of Bitcoin: what are they?

Who manages the blockchain? Since it is a distributed system, who is in charge of updating it and correcting any possible flaws?

Bitcoin Cash: What effect will the first halving have?

There are about two days left and fears and expectations are growing

What happened to the Bitcoin Gold coin?

How much is a BTG worth today compared to what it was worth when it was launched, at the end of 2017, and how much is it worth compared to BTC?

Bitcoin SV: hashrate grows in an invisible way

A large number of ASICs related to blockchain mining have appeared over the past few days

Bitcoin: pullback of prices continues

Today the positive sign prevails for more than 90% of cryptocurrencies that are above parity, with increases that in some cases exceed 10%.

Tensions increase for Bitcoin Cash: a new fork?

Amaury Sachet is lobbying for a new fork and his Bitcoin ABC client will make life difficult for those who oppose funding

Bitcoin Cash Donations: who pays for blockchain development?

A few hours ago a new update on the financing of BCH was published

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