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Pay with Litecoin, everywhere

Charlie Lee announces that the Foundation to support the crypto has collected resources to allow virtual currency payment anywhere. Soon, it will be possible pay with Litecoin, everywhere.

Cryptocurrency trading: a red and green market

Congestion continues, AE doing well (+14%). Meanwhile, Coinbase, the largest San Francisco-based exchange, applies for an SEC compliant broker-dealer license. These are the latest cryptocurrency trading news.

Crypto trading analysis: hackers put bulls to the test

Endurance test for bulls trying to react to two days during which a lazy bear prevailed

Ripple assures: XRP banks will grow up in number

Brad Garlinghouse sees a flourishing future for its crypto and for the entire sector but with a loss of dominance for Bitcoin. He is sure that XRP banks will grow up in number.

Ella Zhang of Binance Labs: “I can still see a crypto bubble”

For the head of the Binance Labs, the euphoria is still very present in the market and the valuations are unreasonable.

According to Wozniak bitcoin is the future

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs, talks about his relationship with the crypto and how he has invested in them. According to Wozniak bitcoin is the future

Microsoft Github: panic among developers

The news triggered a protest from the community, causing more than 2 thousand repositories to leave

Crypto trading news: the bull is short

On the 5th of June, after four days of an upward trend, the increases accumulated over the weekend are disappearing.

Ripple funds blockchain research

The cryptocurrency dedicated to the banking world donates 50 million dollars to education

51% attack on Zencash mining

The currency born to protect privacy has suffered a heavy raid with the reversal of some payments and damages for $ 500,000

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