
whitepaper - search results

The Petro currency is there but it can’t be seen. It looks like a big scam

Marco Michelino, NEM blockchain expert says: "All tokens are still in one account. And they seem designed to impede their free circulation"

Brass Golem launch anticipated, but the market remains sceptical

The launch of mainnet has been anticipated, probably to keep pace with some competitors and their developments. However, the token's price keeps dropping

Eidoo to destroy 1% of all EDO tokens

As it was planned in our whitepaper and anticipated in our official Telegram chat, we are going to destroy the tokens earned from the... blockchain platform is here

Chinese e-commerce giant released the whitepaper of its blockchain as a service platform

ICO friendly Thailand, 50 projects in a month

New crypto laws make it easier to apply for an operating license

Zilliqa Scilla becomes opensource

The smart contract system becomes open in order to improve the blockchain system

Six ways to stay away from ICO-scams

There are some unavoidable aspects to analyze in order to judge the potential of a token sale. Especially before you invest real money into it

Ronaldinho launches RSC Project and his crypto

RSC Project is a project of World Soccer Coin to which the ex-footballer lends his face. The ICO is supposed to be July 15th, but to date there is still no whitepaper

Tangle technology continues to be under attack

Tangle technology continues to be under attack regarding transactions and scalability. Side tangles are also emerging now

Venezuelan Petro-scam helps the homeless

The controversial cryptocurrency launched by President Maduro will be used to finance the housing of the poorest

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