
Ethereum - search results

ICO Analysis: an interesting report from 2018

A report by ICO Dashboard on token sales from the first 6 months: the highest amount collected (18 billion), with the USA, UK and Russia in the lead, but there's a drop in yields. Among the platforms used, Ethereum comes out on top (82%)

Crypto pattern: The SEC keeps the market on hold

The rebound of mid-August seems to have lost its momentum. Despite the weekly balance remaining positive for all the top 25 coins, the day is characterized by red signs

Antonopoulos, “The smart contract software is stupid”

On Youtube, the famous crypto influencer talks about Ethereum and smart contracts

Australian Cointree exchange allows paying bills with crypto

Thanks to the partnership between Gobbill and the trading platform Cointree, digital currencies can be used to pay for electricity, gas, telephone, insurance and more...

Cryptocurrency trend: quietness of volumes before the storm

Red start of the week for most of the main cryptocurrencies with average drops between 4 and 5%.

CCID, EOS ranking first. Bitcoin gains positions

The Chinese ministerial body updates the blockchain ranking, evaluated according to performance and development

XLM blockchain keeps on getting better

The XLM blockchain platform is establishing itself as an alternative to Ethereum and Ripple, mainly for the characteristics of its smart contracts.

VeChain trading: prices reach new highs

The token listed on Binance and Houbi increases by 50% but it is too early to talk about a reversal. Nothing exciting in the sector after the recent rebound. Market cap at 215 billion dollars blockchain platform is here

Chinese e-commerce giant released the whitepaper of its blockchain as a service platform

Trading analysis: cryptocurrency volume remains high

After the 15th of August, the green sign returns for most of the cryptocurrencies. Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash doing well while Stellar not so much

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