
derivati - search results

Crypto increase: a sleepless night for traders

The planned maintenance of BitMex creates chaos among operators, with automatic hedging of short contracts. Bitcoin over the 6,600 resistance, now becoming a support

Crypto signals: The Turkish lira beats bitcoin

The week began with a majority of positive signs for the first 20 cryptocurrencies but most of them have increases of only 2% or less

LedgerConnect: the IBM blockchain platform for the financial sector

LedgerConnect has been launched to help banks bring their services on to the blockchain

Exchange Bittrex launches a new platform for Europe

The US-based company will launch a new trading platform designed specifically for the Old Continent market in collaboration with

Japan cryptocurrency market: the regulation changes

The problems that have plagued the industry are pushing the FSA to ask the government for a more strict regulation

The litecoin futures debut at the City of London

The contracts denominated in dollars will be added to the platform of the English Stock Exchange on June 22nd. It will be possible to operate upwards or downwards.

Future is blockchain in financial markets

Nasdaq, ABN Amro Clearing, EuroCCP and Euroclear announce a securities trading tool, even beyond market times. Everything based on the blockchain network

IHS Markit blockchain system managing syndicated loans

This is a market worth 1 trillion dollars. The idea is to use blockchain technology to improve processes and management costs

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