
bitcoin cash - search results

Privacy with zk-SNARK in Ethereum

The transparency of the blockchain can be limited with a specific technology. Vitalik Buterin supporting it as well

Unicef Ventures, helping the children with the blockchain

Unicef Ventures deals with innovative projects useful to charities. And the blockchain network can be used to reduce transaction costs, for example for vaccines and donations

ETH gas prices accusations, Dan Larimer’s answer

The Ethereum network is currently processing as many transactions as it can. The prices have been rising, and the community is pointing its finger at EOS, more specifically Block One, as the responsible

US crypto exchange Coinbase winks at Altcoins

This morning and over the weekend the sentiment was overall positive, driven by the news of the likely listing of some crypto on the US exchange

Lightning Network works as a decentralized exchange

The second level technology for Bitcoin's scalability also allows cross-chain trading between participants

Crypto market down, fear for Monero’s flash-crash

The grit to the bull is missing after trying to rise above the weekly resistance. Red signs among the big ones

Binance charity donates one million dollars to the victims of Japan

In addition to funds donated by the exchange, the team asks users to donate to a specific Ethereum address

Thailand ICOs,New rules starting from July 16th

The authorities have decided to set precise limits and request specific checks for the sale token offer

Story of five crypto-scams, for greedy and gullible people

The digital coin industry also attracts crafty and delinquent people. The classic case is the promise of easy money with the Ponzi scheme. A journey through the great crypto-scams

Bitpanda adds the ERC20 tokens

The Austrian exchange broadens its offer and announces it will also offer other crypts. Furthermore, the site successfully integrated Komodo’s wallet support

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