
Google - search results

Eidoo: update 1.6 with Russian and Korean languages

Today we are thrilled to announce the new Eidoo app version 1.6.  The new update of the Eidoo app includes the following changes: Korean...

Eidoo sponsors Diversity Media Awards 2019

The initiative conceived and promoted by the non-profit organisation led by Francesca Vecchioni has reached its fourth edition

Brave Browser: users increase by 450%

The growth is exponential compared to 2018

Coinbase News 2019: EOS, VISA and credential stuffing

Many new developments for the American exchange

Augur V2: first major upgrade released

Expected in October, here comes the second version of the platform, with some bug fixes and new features, including the ability to use the DAI stablecoin for trading

The Cryptonomist: Do you like our app?

Our team is developing a mobile application for reading the news on Android

ZBX: the trading app is ready

The Maltese exchange will release its application for Android and iOS in the coming weeks.

Bitcoin vs Ripple: XRP wins in the USA

The term is very popular among American Google users

Eidoo announces app update 1.5.3 with Italian language

Today we have updated the Eidoo app to version 1.5.3. The new update of the Eidoo app includes the following changes: Italian translation: the app...

Seth Godin highlights the limits of centralized control

On his personal blog, the American author talks about peer-to-peer as an alternative that could bring about a radical cultural change.

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