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Everything you need to know about Bitcoin White Paper. Part 3

The third part of the Bitcoin guide written by the co-founder of the Bcademy in Pordenone

The right moves to launch an ICO

Initial coin offerings are the order of the day but you need to have a clear idea on the type of token, how to organise a team, legal aspects, marketing and more

Singapore, Ubin project to use blockchain in finance

The Central Bank and the local stock exchange (SGX) are developing a decentralised platform for interbank settlements. Nasdaq, Deloitte and Anquan are involved as well

Facebook, alternative blockchain solutions to censorship

The giant social loses users and often censors without any logic, but blockchain-based solutions are here, such as Sylo or Scuttlebutt, for a truly decentralized future

Project Inthanon to issue a state Thai crypto

A prototype of a distributed ledger-based digital currency for interbank transactions will be ready by the first quarter of 2019.

VC report from Oxford: virtual currencies vs fiat money

A paper by two scholars of the prestigious English University analyzes the conflicts and problems that digital currencies create for the traditional monetary system, also on a legal level

Antonopoulos, “The smart contract software is stupid”

On Youtube, the famous crypto influencer talks about Ethereum and smart contracts

XLM blockchain keeps on getting better

The XLM blockchain platform is establishing itself as an alternative to Ethereum and Ripple, mainly for the characteristics of its smart contracts.

Huobi exchange recruits Jihan Wu, Don Tapscott and Randi Zuckerberg

The Asian exchange publishes the names of experts and partnerships of the new Advisory Committee. Some news also from Binance and Bitfinex

Blockchain advertising and its role in the sector

Distributed technologies play an increasingly important role in various digital communication and marketing projects. An estimated market of $220 billion in 2019

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