
Revolut - search results

5 blockchain applications for companies. Available within the next decade

From payments to HR, the technology underlying cryptocurrencies will be increasingly used

Will the Uber of the future be on Ethereum?

The blockchain could have a revolutionary impact on the sharing economy

Didi Taihuttu, the family who bet it all on bitcoin

A short documentary on YouTube describes the project of some folks who sold everything to buy BTC and travel around Europe in a trailer

Startup battles for crypto investors

In four cities in the United States, 11 interesting new companies participated in the competition

Italy, Casaleggio: “a 15 million blockchain fund”

The budget is surrounded by allegations of conflict of interest regarding the already declared implementation of DLT within Rousseau

Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO: “Ethereum has potential”

Interviewed by a well-known economist, the CEO has openly stated that Vitalik's blockchain is a platform with still a lot of untapped potential

Crypto prices will either take off or crash, it’s the moment of truth for BTC

A well-known American economist says he is moderately optimistic about the future of cryptocurrencies, for which the time has come to demonstrate their true value, or disappear

Iconium: 5 million euro raised by the Italian startup

Subscribers include entrepreneurs, private equity, finance professionals and managers

Tencent, Blockchain and Fintech for a true “genetic mutation” of the company

The Chinese conglomerate announces the creation of their own fintech division

Decentralized or centralized exchanges?

Nakamoto created the blockchain as "peer-to-peer", but when it comes to exchanges this idea still seems a long way off

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