
Milan - search results

Ronaldinho launches RSC Project and his crypto

RSC Project is a project of World Soccer Coin to which the ex-footballer lends his face. The ICO is supposed to be July 15th, but to date there is still no whitepaper

Less expensive policies with the Blockchain insurance

Globally, the sector could have savings of up to 200 billion. And produce at least seven technical advantages

Italian crypto pegged to marble, says Bannon

The businessman, a militant of the American alt-right, has cited among his projects an Italian digital currency similar to the Petro. But we don't understand how it could work

Augur prediction market is here

The new virtual market should make it possible to bet on almost everything anonymously. Including the risk of criminals double betting

For Mougayar blockchain is just at the beginning

The guru of blockchain technology imagines an epochal change, superior to that introduced by the web. The future, he says, "is the decentralization of innovation itself".

Live from the MJAC Cryptocompare event in London

Cryptonomist is in the UK Capital today with Giacomo Zucco, ParkinGo and more famous people from the blockchain ecosystem. Here are the pics directly from the conference

Discovering Bitcoin LN

From bitcoin limitations to the possibility of carrying out instant transactions of microscopic amounts almost free of charge and respectful of privacy. Here's a guide to learn about the future

From Enel a “cryptoeuro” for payments

The electricity giant, together with Reply and Politecnico di Milano, is planning the launch of a stablecoin. Giovanni Vattani, Head of Revenue and Payment Systems, made the announcement

Eidoo events: where you can find us and when

The Eidoo April agenda is already full of events, both located in Italy and Switzerland. Below you can find the full list of the events...

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