
ico - search results

51% attack on Zencash mining

The currency born to protect privacy has suffered a heavy raid with the reversal of some payments and damages for $ 500,000

Bitcoin Lightning wallet: A new wallet for Android

Finally, the first integrated wallet with the complete functionality of this new technology that allows fast and inexpensive bitcoin transactions

Tron Bug Bounty, 10 million up for grabs

After the launch of the mainnet, Tron founder Justin Sun announces that he will reward those who uncover its vulnerabilities

Crypto Daily Trading: Bulls charging again

The week starts with the right pace. Among the top 30 coins, green prevails, Bitcoin Cash doing well, Ripple awaken, red sign for Iota

Privacy tokens, a short guide

Some tools allow particularly anonymous transactions: here is a short list

CryptoCompare MJAC, a new event in London

CryptoCompare MJAC,  one of the biggest blockchain events to take place in London, on 13th June. Continue to read the article to have a promo code...

Dadiani Syndicate accepts payment in cryptocurrency

Masterpieces worth millions of dollars will be auctioned publicly and will be available for purchase in cryptocurrencies

India says no to the Venezuelan Petro

Due to the prohibition of the Central Bank, the country can not accept oil from Venezuela because the payment cannot be done with the crypto

Litecoin payments enter the world of porn

After Verge, virtual porn also accepts LTC as payment

Day trading cryptocurrency: Bears making the market uncertain

June opens quite stable after the May debacle with total capitalization going from $470 billion to $330 billion. Today Iota, NEM and Cardano are doing well

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