
open finance - search results

In the UK, the global blockchain hub

BIC report: Great Britain is well placed to become a global reference

IBM crypto, experimentation underway

Big Blue chooses to collaborate with a company that is developing a crypto pegged to the dollar

BlackRock, a task force to study the crypto-sector

The giant Blackrock has created a team to study virtual coins and blockchains. While in Thailand a digital bond may arise

A blockchain game for Major League Baseball

The US League aims for something like CryptoKitties based on Ethereum, through a DApp made by Lucid Sight

Former champion Zambrotta ambassador of Token Stars

The platform allows fans to earn while interacting with their favourite sports stars.

Discovering Cardano platform

A brief guide to the project that proposes itself as a third generation blockchain after those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. With some notes on the crypto

GVA Research, an identity verification utility token

For GVA Research CEO David Garrity, a coin would be the best way to verify the true identity of Twitter users through the blockchain

Aleksi Grym, Bank of Finland: “Cryptos are not money”

With a 133-page document the BOF closes the door to digital currencies. And he says: "we must not confuse money and technology"

London Football Exchange scores a goal on the blockchain

The London Football Exchange teams up with Penta to manage ticketing activities, offer stadium visits, team meetings and more. And the PNT token flies

The decentralized prediction market of Augur is live

The decentralized prediction market is finally working as a leader in the sector

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