
dollar - search results

Music takes off with Volareo

The first blockchain-based smart speaker is here. From the collaboration between Musicoin Project and ROCKI

Bitcoin bail, a trial case in San Francisco

Martin Marsich, an Italian-Serbian resident in Udine, has been accused of violating some servers. A judge granted the release but only after a payment of 750,000 dollars in BTC

Mining hashrate keeps increasing, but Nvidia doesn’t benefit

Mining contrasting signals: power reaches new records, but some hardware manufacturers report a strong decrease in sales

VeChain trading: prices reach new highs

The token listed on Binance and Houbi increases by 50% but it is too early to talk about a reversal. Nothing exciting in the sector after the recent rebound. Market cap at 215 billion dollars

Trading analysis: cryptocurrency volume remains high

After the 15th of August, the green sign returns for most of the cryptocurrencies. Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash doing well while Stellar not so much

Travel and flights: how to buy with bitcoin

Here are the main web platforms where you can buy an airline ticket with cryptocurrencies

Today marks a tremendous awakening for cryptocurrencies

Today marks a tremendous awakening for cryptocurrencies

Bitmain mining giant accused of manipulating BCH prices

The mining giant, increasingly close to their billion-dollar IPO, owns BCHs in large quantities. And there are those who suspect that they can use them to influence prices

Wormhole project allows ICOs on Bitcoin Cash CEO Roger Ver announces a new feature that allows the issuance of tokens on the BCH blockchain. But the market reacts badly

Crypto signals: The Turkish lira beats bitcoin

The week began with a majority of positive signs for the first 20 cryptocurrencies but most of them have increases of only 2% or less

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