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Six ways to stay away from ICO-scams

There are some unavoidable aspects to analyze in order to judge the potential of a token sale. Especially before you invest real money into it

The ultimate zilliqa guide

Guide to the new revolutionary blockchain, and to its coin, ZIL

Zucco introduces us to the RBG protocol

Interview with BHB Network founder: "We want to coordinate and stimulate the most credible Bitcoin community on the topic of Bitcoin-based digital assets. We are submerged by positive feebacks "

Story of five crypto-scams, for greedy and gullible people

The digital coin industry also attracts crafty and delinquent people. The classic case is the promise of easy money with the Ponzi scheme. A journey through the great crypto-scams

Cryptocurrency Tax Issues. Guideline for Tax on Digital Funds

Cryptocurrencies are on the rise. The Bitcoin Dollar Forex is sky high and the blockchain technology has the potential to knock banks out of the game

C-lightning a new step towards Lightning Network

The company announces the release of version 0.6 which includes their C-lightning. GloBee and CoinGate also announce the integration of LN into their payment processors.

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

Lightning network transactions, 5 cents for 42 payments

A Reddit user said he was able to open an LN channel and use it to make 42 payments, spending less than 5 cents of a dollar.

ZenCash: “We want to make 51% attack impossible”

After the hack, Luca Cermelli, ZEN Country Manager, talks about it: "Double spending is not magic, it's fraud. We are already working on solutions to eliminate them once and for all".

Ethereum Classic Hard Fork ‘Difficulty Bomb’

The hard fork expected to block 5.900.000 is coming up. The function designed to increase the difficulty of mining in case of transition to proof-of-stake consent will be eliminated from the code

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