
Lightning - search results

Jack Dorsey is buying $10,000 in bitcoin each week

The famous founder of Twitter and Square has revealed that he has been accumulating BTC in recent weeks

The top 10 countries with the most Bitcoin nodes

Surprisingly, there are more of them in Europe than in North America, despite the fact that the US dominates this ranking, followed by Germany and France

Bitcoin Tipping app on Twitter and Reddit

There are apps that, when connected with social networks, allow rewarding authors with micropayments

VISA and Mastercard increase transaction fees. An opportunity for bitcoin?

An increase in charges for major credit cards is being announced, and this could be an opportunity for the promotion of crypto as a payment system.

Bitpay: 95% of payments are made in bitcoin

In 2017, the famous crypto payment gateway was even considering abandoning BTC to fully support BCH, but since then many things have changed

Tinder and Bitrefill: a Valentine’s Day crypto dedicated to singles

The subscriptions of the app are now available in bitcoin

Tron and Monica from “Friends” supporting the ALS Association

Justin Sun donated $250,000 together with Binance and BitTorrent

Litecoin: a collaboration with Beam to add MimbleWimble

The cryptocurrency created by Charlie Lee is considering the possibility of integrating the protocol to raise the level of privacy of LTC transactions

Ton: new information on the Telegram blockchain and Gram Coin

The platform would be able to handle millions of transactions per second thanks to the ability to divide the blockchain into smaller chains

Litecoin vs Bitcoin Cash: comparing the cryptocurrencies

Both are designed to solve Bitcoin's scalability problems

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