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Is Satoshi Nakamoto the richest person in the world?

The creator of Bitcoin is associated with a wealth of about one million bitcoins

The most anticipated crypto projects of 2019

What are the projects for the next year on which the greatest attention and interest are currently concentrated?

Tron is ready to officially launch the Troncard and GRID

The two solutions aim to make the tenth crypto per capitalisation more and more accessible

Ethereum: the Infura node is too centralized

We are looking for a solution to reduce the dependence on Amazon servers

Token classification: the differences between crypto, stable coin, security, utility and equity

Today's crypto ecosystem is much more defined, less confusing and less carefree compared to the coin and token boom at the time of the first ICOs in 2017

Mastering Ethereum by Andreas Antonopoulos has been released

Available in Kindle version on Amazon or partly downloadable on GitHub

Blockchain in the oil and gas sector. Advantages and use cases

Experts study the implementation of DLT also in the energy sector

Brian Kelly, “the bitcoin price collapse is temporary”

The founder of BKCM links the fall in the value to a specific event

Top 50 Blockchain listed companies: sectors and use cases

Forbes has listed the best companies that are making use of DLT

Crypto prices will either take off or crash, it’s the moment of truth for BTC

A well-known American economist says he is moderately optimistic about the future of cryptocurrencies, for which the time has come to demonstrate their true value, or disappear

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