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Welcome to the Eidoo Hybrid Exchange

One of the core features of Eidoo is its very own Decentralized Exchange, a long-awaited next generation exchange based on Ethereum, which enables users...

Facebook now has a “blockchain engineer”

Evan Cheng, former Apple, expert on "scalability", appointed technical director of the Palo Alto giant for block technology

Daniel Larimer EOS co-founder disappointed

A BP accidentally restores a frozen account and takes advantage of a hacker that makes many cryptos disappear. Co-founder Daniel Larimer says he's disappointed and proposes to clear the Constitution

Pay with Litecoin, everywhere

Charlie Lee announces that the Foundation to support the crypto has collected resources to allow virtual currency payment anywhere. Soon, it will be possible pay with Litecoin, everywhere.

Ripple assures: XRP banks will grow up in number

Brad Garlinghouse sees a flourishing future for its crypto and for the entire sector but with a loss of dominance for Bitcoin. He is sure that XRP banks will grow up in number.

According to Wozniak bitcoin is the future

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs, talks about his relationship with the crypto and how he has invested in them. According to Wozniak bitcoin is the future

Crypto trading news: the bull is short

On the 5th of June, after four days of an upward trend, the increases accumulated over the weekend are disappearing.

Charlie Lee, cryptocurrencies and Animal Spirit

The founder of LTC declares that, in his opinion, the market doesn’t pressure the good news on the blockchain front. But forgetting Keynes's lesson on the short run

Eidoo app hit 400k downloads: more opportunity for ICOEngine

Today our Eidoo app hits 400,000 downloads worldwide. We are very grateful for the support we are receiving from you all, but this is just...

ORS partners with Eidoo to launch its ICO

ORS, an international A.I. software company, is launching an ICO after successfully collecting EUR 10M in pre-ICO within a few days. The ORS Group has...

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