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Crypto market today: bounce signals after the storm

A weekend of fear saw prices fall to their lowest levels since last February. The sector is now recovering, with ONT at +21%, followed by Monero, Ethereum Classic and Eos

Binance offline on 26th June

The famous exchange will carry out an update and the operations will be suspended for four hours.

Peter Nagle dissapointed by the Bank of Ireland

According to "The Irish Times", the companies selling Bitcoin in Eire have seen unjustly denied banking services

The end of the Tokyo Whale

The Tokyo court approves the interruption of bankruptcy. This way, the market will no longer be manipulated by big crypto sales.

Cryptocurrency trade market: cryptos are suffering

Prices fell sharply throughout the market. Bitcoin clings with difficulty at 6,000 dollars, Ethereum holding a little better. Bitcoin Diamond and Bitcoin Gold forks are a disaster

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

Pier platform, a blockchain-based tool

In Brazil, an institutional platform is being developed for the exchange of information between the various financial market supervisors.

BitFlyer Japan, forced to close to new users

The Japanese Financial Agency Service has imposed a licence requirement to continue trading operations. The case of bitFlyer Japan, forced to close to new users

Crypto market updates: Bears are pressuring the market

Bitcoin suffers technical resistances and gives up on attacking 6850. Centrality puts the turbo on

Skycoin cryptocurrency having some issues

After quarrels and retaliation, one of the most ambitious projects, created by some BTC and ETH developers, is likely to fail

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