
decentralization - search results

Pier platform, a blockchain-based tool

In Brazil, an institutional platform is being developed for the exchange of information between the various financial market supervisors.

For Mougayar blockchain is just at the beginning

The guru of blockchain technology imagines an epochal change, superior to that introduced by the web. The future, he says, "is the decentralization of innovation itself".

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

Bitcoin volume, the ups and downs

Have you seen the price of Bitcoin lately? It’s not only moving sideways as generally dropping in volume.

Decred exchange rate rises in ranking and opens a DEX

The cryptocurrency of hybrid consensus is rewarded for the efforts of transparency and decentralization. Decred exchange rate is now rising and new projects are coming.

10 wallets hold 50% of EOS tokens

Perhaps the crypto is not as decentralized as it sounds: they are not very distributed but concentrated in a small number of wallets. Just 10 wallets hold 10% of EOS tokens.

Microsoft Github: panic among developers

The news triggered a protest from the community, causing more than 2 thousand repositories to leave

Crypto trading news: the bull is short

On the 5th of June, after four days of an upward trend, the increases accumulated over the weekend are disappearing.

Loom Network, sidechains saving blockchains

The problems of scalability of peer-to-peer networks can be solved through the use of side chains.

Cardstack token, from apps to Dapps via the blockchain

The objective of Cardstack is to build a platform to make both types of applications compatible and interoperable, through an ecosystem equipped with tokens.

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