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Bitcoin Cash co-founder removed from BCH Slack

Amaury Séchet was banned from one of the channels of the BCH community for his pre-consensus proposal

Zilliqa mainnet launch postponed

The blockchain that should support secure contracts postpones the launch of its system to the public

Anonymous, fast and secure transactions with Lightning Network

To have anonymity, security, decentralization, immediate confirmations, scalability and low costs, we just have to wait for LN to keep its promises

Crypto value: the bear is back, Bitcoin on the support

Losses spread on the market for the 5th day, while bitcoin's dominance rises, now at 49%. 7,300 area for to be monitored for BTC

Tron transactions: 80 times faster than Ethereum

Justin Sun points out 7 reasons for which he believes his creation is better than Vitalik's blockchain. More exchanges begin to support TRX's new mainnet

AI blockchain, a perfect match

Robots, computing power, hedge funds and smart contracts. Here are 4 projects that merge Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology, to do things that until yesterday were unthinkable

A brief Crypto investment guide

Some useful questions and advice that should be followed before deciding whether to put money into an ICO or into the securities of a company engaged in the DLT.

Mastercard crypto, a bad match

Is it a concrete reality or just a revenge for that 2% drop in revenues? The CEO considers digital currencies unworthy

Travala, a booking platform from Southeast Asia

Based on the NEO blockchain, the ICO (formerly Concierge) launches a second travel booking platform. In the future, Australia, USA and Europe

Pre-consensus proposal divides the BCH community

Amaury Séchet asks that the choice of block size be freer. Craig Wright invites him to leave

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