
inflation - search results

Venezuela: the relation with Bitcoin transactions

The efforts of US White House to install Juan Guaido can be blamed on extreme effectiveness of BTC

What does crypto mean for fiat currency?

Money is a technology that includes a social convention, which for fiat currencies is imposed by the State

Maduro asks to invest in the Petro cryptocurrency

The President of Venezuela admits that the country needs international aid and asks foreign investors to buy the state crypto

Latest news on Ethereum Classic (ETC)

The next developments for the future of the "classic" version of ETH

Tone Vays: halving Litecoin will lead to a decrease

In August the LTC miner's premium will be halved, but for the well-known investor this should not lead to an increase in value

Giacomo Zucco talks about MimbleWimble and Grin

After talking about RGB, Stellar Lumens and Cardano, this time the founder of BlockchainLab gives his opinion on privacy coins

Localbitcoins: all-time record in Argentina and Venezuela

Bitcoin trading volumes are very high in Colombia, Chile and Peru as well

Nicholas Weaver, Berkeley: “Bitcoin is bovine excrement”

The researcher and well-known cryptocurrency critic took part in a Bloomberg podcast

Patrick Springer, former Morgan Stanley: “Crypto leads to democracy”

Cryptonomist had the chance to interview Patrick Springer, now advisor of Polybird Global Exchange

How does MimbleWimble work?

It is a protocol based on confidentiality and anonymity rather than on programmability: these are the aspects that immediately intrigued the Bitcoin community

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