
Tron - search results

The big challenge: Tether vs the US dollar

Around the stable coin, there are continuous suspicions. Probably, certain US political and financial circles don’t not like the idea of a competitor to the dollar. Yet Goldman Sachs is working on its USD coin

China and cryptocurrencies: greedy double standards

A State TV report denounces the risks of putting money on cryptocurrencies, comparing them to the roulette. But they forgot the role that the State played in creating the bubble, with the subsequent crack, at the Shanghai Stock Exchange

Ashton Kutcher and ripple donation of $4 million dollars for Ellen

The American actor, former husband of Demi Moore, has made a real foray at 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' with a surprise that has moved to tears the host

Steemit blockchain reaches 1 million users

The blogging platform that rewards content creators with cryptocurrency celebrates a record. In just two years the growth is 50-fold

Blockchain Akamai, the fastest in the world

By 2020, the country will have its new network of fast payments based on blockchain technology. Akamai Technologies and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group announced this. Traditional and new generation payment processes will travel at the speed of 10 million transactions per second.

A smarter Monero token

The XRM guru joins other entrepreneurs for the development of a project that will expand the capabilities of his blockchain

Crypto trading analysis: Porn is not enough for Verge

European investors wake up to a red sea. Only Dogecoin and Bitcoin Private are safe. While XVG does not find peace and sinks day by day

Miner police officers steal electricity in Ukraine

In a police station in Rivne discovered unauthorized equipment to undermine cryptocurrencies. The theft would last for four months. And now the thieves have ended up on trial

Smart Containers are coming

In Switzerland, they are studying a project to monitor transport data so that they are recorded and shared on a blockchain

DICE Money, a cheaper alternative to ICOs

Computer scientist Kostantin Dimitrov has created a simplified currency called DICE to launch personal coins.

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