
SEC - search results

Rating agency DBRS: “Blockchain in Banking: A Reality Check”

Canadian agency DBRS mentions the enormous potential of decentralized ledgers to improve efficiency in long and complex operations

Bitcoin ETF fever is back

The SEC reopens consultation on the 9 new proposals rejected in August. Will an ETF be approved this time?

ICO 2018, September is the month of recovery

According to the new ICObench report, the sector has seen a revival in late September, after the long summer break

Airline and airport blockchain based applications

An internal analysis of the sector shows that the various operators have identified blockchain as a strategic technology for future developments

The market sleeps except for the value of EOS

The sector continues to take it easy. Except for isolated vertical movements of some tokens, this morning prices move just above yesterday's levels

Switzerland, the first authorised FINMA crypto fund is here

Approved by the Swiss authorities, the Crypto Fund is the first in the country to invest exclusively in cryptocurrencies

Europe, ICO regulation to arrive in 2019

EU regulators have explained that specific legislation for initial coin offerings will be in place within the next year

Roubini vs Vitalik: “Buterin is a dictator and decentralization is a myth”

According to economist Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the 2008 market collapse 3 years in advance, cryptocurrencies would be delusional.

Here is the description of the typical Bitcoin holder

A recent American survey reveals that the most interested in investing in cryptocurrencies are wealthy and male millennials

A Neapolitan crypto will be created

A first concrete step of the city towards adoption. The Mayor confirms that there is no ambition to "mint money", but that a Neapolitan crypto will be created.

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