
sec - search results

Cryptouniverse, a Russian mining farm

The first cryptocurrency extraction site in the region of St. Petersburg

Crypto increase: a sleepless night for traders

The planned maintenance of BitMex creates chaos among operators, with automatic hedging of short contracts. Bitcoin over the 6,600 resistance, now becoming a support

Football blockchain, a successful couple

UEFA's blockchain-based ticketing experiment is a success, it has been used on the match between Real Madrid and Atletico

Project Inthanon to issue a state Thai crypto

A prototype of a distributed ledger-based digital currency for interbank transactions will be ready by the first quarter of 2019.

Crypto mining energy consumption research

A researcher at the University of Pittsburgh disagrees with cryptos being more energy-intensive than other sectors. It also depends on the sources that are used

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland Will Gather Top Crypto Experts

On October 9, Geneva will welcome an important event about the blockchain sphere

ICO Analysis: an interesting report from 2018

A report by ICO Dashboard on token sales from the first 6 months: the highest amount collected (18 billion), with the USA, UK and Russia in the lead, but there's a drop in yields. Among the platforms used, Ethereum comes out on top (82%)

VC report from Oxford: virtual currencies vs fiat money

A paper by two scholars of the prestigious English University analyzes the conflicts and problems that digital currencies create for the traditional monetary system, also on a legal level

Antonopoulos, “The smart contract software is stupid”

On Youtube, the famous crypto influencer talks about Ethereum and smart contracts

TokenPay team attacks BCH, but Roger Ver doesn’t respond

The project that aspires to become a payment crypto accuses the famous bitcoin fork of being slow and expensive. The provocation, however, has been ignored

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