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SegWit transactions break 40%

The company has plans to install lots of new systems during the next month. And they aren’t supposed to be used only to accept the major cryptocurrency

XLM crypto is “approved” by the Sharia law

The XLM crypto receives the certification of coherence according to the Islamic law.

In the UK, the global blockchain hub

BIC report: Great Britain is well placed to become a global reference

EOS Network Monitor: over 2,000 transactions per second

According to Eos Network Monitor, the crypto has recently reached an all time high of TPS, higher than the theoretical maximum obtainable by Ripple

PiedPiperCoin inspired by Silicon Valley sitcom

The token created in the TV series has a separate Twitter account. A very well done joke

Coinbase becomes authorised SEC exchange

The company was cleared by the controlling body for three acquisitions that will transform it into broker-dealers, alternative exchange platform and consulting firm

Good mood is back in the crypto world

The latest news about Coinbase revitalizes the sector. Capitalisation revises 270 billion dollars. Bitcoin recovers 6,800

Crypto art and blockchain combined for culture

In addition to galleries that accept digital coins, blockchain technology is becoming a tool for certifying works and inspiring artists

ETH gas prices accusations, Dan Larimer’s answer

The Ethereum network is currently processing as many transactions as it can. The prices have been rising, and the community is pointing its finger at EOS, more specifically Block One, as the responsible

Welcome to the Eidoo Hybrid Exchange

One of the core features of Eidoo is its very own Decentralized Exchange, a long-awaited next generation exchange based on Ethereum, which enables users...

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