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Buterin wants to stop IMMO?

With some tweets, the creator of Ethereum questions the nature of a stable coin project, not confirmed to date, carried out by the family of ancient bankers.

The crypto fam: bitcoin’s market is being manipulated

A group of US traders, gathered in the Crypto Fam, argues that the trend of the crypto in recent months has suspected price manipulation

Crypto Trading Analysis: The market is suffering

The bear keeps the sector in check, the only positive signs are for Bitcoin Diamond and Bitcoin Private. The challenge for Queen Bitcoin is to keep her price over the $7,000 area.

Tron to acquire BitTorrent Inc, a new positive news for the crypto

Tron BitTorrent: Justin Sun registered the popular company called "Rainberry Acquisition."

Bitcoin Batching, how to optimize transactions

BTC transactions can be improved by using block space

History of Crypto Hedge Funds

In Australia, a new fund dedicated to cryptocurrencies and ICOs has been set up for small investors. Let's go over the history of these investment funds

Cryptocurrency Day Trading: A quick look at Eos and Tron

Rebound attempts for the entire industry trying to reach more than 340 billion of capitalization

OpenNode, a new payment processor on the Lightning Network

The first scalable "PayPal" based on Bitcoin's LN is here

ICO scams: 20% of projects according to WSJ

According to research carried out by the well-known American magazine, most of the token sales are just big swindles. But some figures are not convincing, let's see why

Coinbase ERC20 tokens and decentralization of services

One of the most widely used cryptocurrency exchanges will introduce trading of hundreds of tokens directly between wallets and launch a new version of the platform for professionals

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