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Trading strategies: Calm after the storm

Trading strategies: The bear takes a break after the heavy downturns of recent days. Ethereum Classic (+20%) and Binance Coin (+16) perform well. For bitcoin the recovery of 7,200 is essential

The US stock exchange regulator and ICOs

A cautious opening towards token sales on the official website of the US stock exchange regulator

Havven token and its stable coin

The company announces a new token. An interface that allows you to change ETH with the new HAV is already active.

Tezos ICO will carry out KYC and AML audits

The ICO wants to implement identity and anti-money laundering controls on users who have participated in the distribution of XTZ tokens.

CFTC regulations: exchanges under investigation

The targets are the four exchanges Coinbase, Kraken, Bitstamp and itBit, which are accused of not having provided CME with some of the requested data.

Swiss Crypto Valley tests voting on the blockchain

Residents of Zug will use the distributed ledger for voting to verify the possibility of the method in real life

Hacker attack at Coinrail exchange

Serious violation at the Korean Exchange with the disappearance of several tokens. Trading interrupted and wallets are frozen

“State cryptos? Premature but they will come”

For Professor A.M. Rinaldi, e-currencies frighten Bankitalia because they fear the collapse of the banking system. But he adds: "you can not stop the evolution of the economy".

ZenCash: “We want to make 51% attack impossible”

After the hack, Luca Cermelli, ZEN Country Manager, talks about it: "Double spending is not magic, it's fraud. We are already working on solutions to eliminate them once and for all".

Latest details for the CryptoCompare & MJAC Blockchain Summit

Eminent and emergent companies confirmed for two stages at London event on June 13th

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