
coinmarketcap - search results

Heritage, blockchain donations with Airbus

The internal research group of the aviation giant is about to launch a platform that allows the collection of crypto donations

Ethereum current price needs an extra boost

The new trading week doesn't start off well. Among the top 20 in the ranking, only two positive signs are present

Vending machines accept cryptocurrency micropayments

A new collaboration has made the integration possible, which is already working today

Venezuela Dash, crypto purchases are growing

Due to the country's serious economic and monetary problems, online shopping and crypto payments allow citizens to buy products that they would otherwise find difficult to find

Bitcoin Nasdaq and cognitive dissonances

After more than a week of drops, today a timid bull tries to get some momentum

The Winklevoss twins ready to launch the Gemini Dollar

This is a stable coin anchored to the value of the US dollar and regulated by the NYDFS.

The Komodo blockchain to save the jungle in Peru

The Bosque Guardian project, financed by an ICO, foresees a tourist village and a hotel immersed in a large area of rainforest that will help preserve it

Estimates on how many bitcoins are left

From 2009 to date, more than 17 million BTCs have been mined. However, according to the most accredited estimates, an amount between 2.3 and 3.5 million will never be found again.

Goldman Sachs denies abandoning crypto trading desk plans

It has been defined as a “fake news”, the one that yesterday helped to drop the whole market

Kraken Halifax office closes: fake news and allegations

The dismissal of 10% of the workforce in Halifax, Canada triggers a flood of assumptions about the fate of the exchange. Denials come from the co-founder, Jesse Powell

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