
Function X - search results

The Petro block explorer is unavailable

The website of the new Venezuelan crypto contains broken links and empty files. And there is still no trace of the tokens

The decentralised StellarX exchange with fiat currencies and zero commissions

Based on the native resources of Stellar's blockchain, the platform allows trading in both crypto and fiat currencies and is free from any kind of fee

A guide on the difference between Bitcoin and Litecoin

The core developer Isidoro Ghezzi of BHB Network explains the main features that differentiate the two blockchains

Ethereum price value is ready for a rise

Despite the SEC's strict controls, this morning most of the cryptocurrencies are in green

JP Morgan Ethereum platform used by 75 banks

Started as an experiment, today JP Morgan's project is a reality that guarantees fast and cheap international payments

A technical guide on the latest Bitcoin Bug

What happened in the case of the unusual upgrade to version 0.16.3 of the blockchain

Nick Szabo, “Blockchains need armour, not fins”

During today's, 26th September, Blockchain Live conference, which is currently taking place in London, the famous inventor of smart contracts takes the floor

Monero Burning Bug, the error that destroyed tokens

The problem allowed attackers to burn XMR after sending them to a wallet

News about the 0x Protocol

Version 2.0 was announced today by co-founder Will Warren

Non-fungible tokens: What are they and how to use them

There is an increasing hype around non-fungible tokens, but many still don’t know what they are and what functions do they perform.

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