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Binance Meetup Milan: future developments of the crypto exchange

New features of one of the most important cryptocurrency trading platforms

KFC accepts the cryptocurrency Dash in Venezuela

The famous American fast food chain has decided to accept payments in cryptocurrencies in its 25 points of sale in the South American country

NEO, continues the development of consensus nodes and the decentralisation roadmap

Among the first candidates, there is O3 Labs, which has a bright future ahead in the industry

Bill Gates: crypto can help in the fight against poverty

The billionaire benefactor has shown an ambivalent attitude towards cryptocurrencies

A CFTC report defining smart contracts cites Buterin

The American agency that oversees futures markets has written a 32-page study on the subject

General Motors: Patent pending for a blockchain-based system

The US car manufacturer wants to patent a tool for self-driving cars

Daniel Larimer of EOS explores the idea of a privacy coin

The CTO brainstorms about a token that would guarantee transaction anonymity and infinite scalability, but it requires a lot of trust

Wreck-It Ralph appears in a cameo related to crypto

The famous animated film about video games contains the Safe Network logo

Neufund Equity Token: the first ETO on the blockchain

Venture capital financing crosses paths with the crypto world on the platform of the Berlin startup

Iota Meetup in Italy, Qubic presented in world premiere

In Milan, Stefano Della Valle, Alessandro Olivo and Antonio Nardella presented the following projects

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