
stablecoin - search results

CarbonUSD, the first stable coin on the EOS blockchain

It was launched two months ago on Ethereum and was now transferred to Daniel Larimer's ledger

Stable coins: the traditional finance in the crypto world

2018 is the year of stability, with 57 projects active on the market

Why do blockchains need coins?

A common misconception is that while the distributed ledger is revolutionary cryptocurrencies are just a temporary fad that will die off.

The Chinese Central Bank might issue the YuanCoin

A PBoC researcher has written an editorial suggesting a "redoubling of the efforts" for the issuance of a stable coin backed by Chinese fiat currency

LBXPeg, the first stable coin backed by the pound sterling

After the cryptocurrencies anchored to the American dollar and gold, here is a new one pegged to the British currency

Crypto increase: a sleepless night for traders

The planned maintenance of BitMex creates chaos among operators, with automatic hedging of short contracts. Bitcoin over the 6,600 resistance, now becoming a support

Larimer says stop to EOS private keys

Some novelties proposed by the founder Daniel Larimer to improve the usability of the crypto

From Enel a “cryptoeuro” for payments

The electricity giant, together with Reply and Politecnico di Milano, is planning the launch of a stablecoin. Giovanni Vattani, Head of Revenue and Payment Systems, made the announcement

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