
mining - search results

Bitcoin guide, everything you need to know. Part 1

A crypto special written by Bcademy of Pordenone to understand the blockchain world

Tezos tokens tending towards centralisation

The number of nodes in the network is growing but the legacy of ICO-related lawsuits continues to have its impact.

Bitcoin Cash co-founder removed from BCH Slack

Amaury Séchet was banned from one of the channels of the BCH community for his pre-consensus proposal

Tencent, Softbank and China Gold invested in the Bitmain IPO

The three giants are among the institutional investors in the pre-IPO of the world leader in bitcoin mining. One billion dollars has been already raised. The launch of the IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Anonymous, fast and secure transactions with Lightning Network

To have anonymity, security, decentralization, immediate confirmations, scalability and low costs, we just have to wait for LN to keep its promises

The SEC against the Long Blockchain iced tea

The company producing the drink faces heavy penalties. They cleverly added the word blockchain to their name. The stock went up, but then they got delisted

Zombieboy, a malware that attacks weak points

A new illicit mining virus has been identified, it is capable of targeting a plurality of CVEs

Internal sources mention a Bitmain IPO

The mining giant exceeds one billion dollars in net income in Q1 2018 and is working on landing on the stock exchange. The estimated value is around 14 billion dollars

A brief Crypto investment guide

Some useful questions and advice that should be followed before deciding whether to put money into an ICO or into the securities of a company engaged in the DLT.

FINMA investigates the Envion ICO

Swiss supervisory body opens an investigation into the company

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