
mining - search results

Telegram crypto groups are being censored

New bans were introduced on groups and channels dedicated to cryptocurrencies, both in China with Baidu, and on the main messaging app used in the sector.

Schwartz: “XRP Ledger is more decentralized than Bitcoin and ETH”

The CTO of Ripple Labs takes it out on those who claim that his cryptocurrency is under strict control. And tries to compare the three blockchains

Everything you need to know about Bitcoin White Paper. Part 3

The third part of the Bitcoin guide written by the co-founder of the Bcademy in Pordenone

Crypto ZenCash changes name to Horizen

The simple cryptocurrency transforms into a platform to create applications with a high level of privacy, under a new brand

US Senate hearing: a blockchain discussion

The public debate has focused on the relationship between blockchain technology and the electricity market.

CCID, EOS ranking first. Bitcoin gains positions

The Chinese ministerial body updates the blockchain ranking, evaluated according to performance and development

Venezuela crypto country with the Sovereign Bolivar

At the start the experiment of the Sovereign Bolivar, a currency linked in turn to Petro, the cryptocurrency which has oil reserves below it. With inflation going up to one million percent

China, three arrests for mega crypto-theft

The authors of the biggest hacking in Chinese history have been arrested, as many as 87 million dollars stolen from citizens and businesses in the city of Xian

Huobi exchange recruits Jihan Wu, Don Tapscott and Randi Zuckerberg

The Asian exchange publishes the names of experts and partnerships of the new Advisory Committee. Some news also from Binance and Bitfinex

Wormhole project allows ICOs on Bitcoin Cash CEO Roger Ver announces a new feature that allows the issuance of tokens on the BCH blockchain. But the market reacts badly

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