
mining - search results

Peter Thiel and Bitmain invest in the EOS platform announces the entry of the founder of PayPal and the multinational among the new lenders. CEO Blumer: "The EOSIO protocol is a great example of innovation".

US parliament discusses the future of cryptos

On 18 July, a hearing organised by the House of Representatives focused on digital coins

Scaling Bitcoin is not an issue

Why did the market crashed? What brought it down? Who’s responsible for this calamity? When will it fully recover?

Ethereum Dapps are not so decentralized

Decentralization has a lot of meanings and some are defined easier than others. Building a DAPP on a decentralized blockchain won’t make it decentralized if control over the contract is kept

The president of the Google holding company Sergey Brin mines ETH

The president of Alphabet, Google’s holding company admits his interest in the crypto at a meeting in Morocco

Bitmain has bought Opera, based on the open source Chromium

One of the Internet pioneers, now owned by the Chinese, has decided to go public. The IPO documentation shows that the bitcoin mining giant is among the main investors

Story of five crypto-scams, for greedy and gullible people

The digital coin industry also attracts crafty and delinquent people. The classic case is the promise of easy money with the Ponzi scheme. A journey through the great crypto-scams

Australia exchange, Huobi expands its activities

The Chinese company expands its activities to the continent aiming at the rich trader market and looking at the development of projects related to the blockchain

Japan cryptocurrency market: the regulation changes

The problems that have plagued the industry are pushing the FSA to ask the government for a more strict regulation

Cryptomania infects soccer, basketball and F1

It is worth mentioning the initiatives of the Colombian football association James Rodriguez, who launched a personalized crypto aimed at the fans, and of the driver Fernando Alonso, who has sealed a very special partnership with Kodak.

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