
Revolut - search results

SEC: FinHub, a new division dedicated to crypto startups

Today the American authority launches a hub dedicated to blockchain companies

EOS and Spacebit, together for a space mission

LinkX, a decentralized network that connects satellites and space stations, uses the blockchain to optimize, analyze and tokenize communications between space and Earth

Bakkt, “Institutional investors are hungry for cryptocurrencies”

After moving from Coinbase to the new company of the owner of the New York Stock Exchange, Adam White gave an interview to Fortune explaining his point of view on crypto

IBM Food Trust and Carrefour: real evolution or marketing move?

Lights and shadows on the Blockchain of the supermarket giant, who began to use the technology for the tracking of products

Banca d’Italia: “Blockchain is the most studied technology in the sector”

During a meeting in Turin, the Director of the Supervision Service confirmed that the distributed registers are the main focus of study of many central and commercial banks.

Rating agency DBRS: “Blockchain in Banking: A Reality Check”

Canadian agency DBRS mentions the enormous potential of decentralized ledgers to improve efficiency in long and complex operations

US political campaigns financed by mining

The FEC is considering a very original proposal to allow supporters of election committees to make their own devices available for crypto extraction

ABI blockchain, the second phase is underway

A turning point for interbank processes in Italy thanks to DLTs

Bitcoin Art exhibition for the 10th whitepaper anniversary

Since September 28th the Bitcoin Art (r)evolution exhibit is open to the public. The artworks displayed reportedly contain the private keys to cryptocurrencies

Tron Atlas, a new project coming up

Tomorrow, the blockchain platform will unveil plans to improve content management

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