
Revolut - search results

Consultique, Verona hosts the Fee Only Summit 2018

On October 18th Cryptonomist will be protagonist of the fintech and cryptocurrency panel

How to heal the planet using Blockchain Technology

In a report, the World Economic Forum argues that the ledger at the base of cryptocurrencies could help solve major problems such as climate change, water shortages and natural disasters

Crypto football, blockchain in the world of sport

Known to be conservative, even this sport is beginning to implement blockchain technology

French ICO regulatory framework updated

New regulations for token sales are about to become law, favouring blockchain projects in France

Crypto market exchange: BitGo shines some light in the space

The day opens with a red carpet for the bear.

COTI blockchain, “we’ve built the fastest and most scalable platform”

Cryptonomist interviewed Guy Klajman, who is working on a project that won the 1st place in the Google Tel Aviv Digital Conference 2018

Ubisoft Blockchain based services coming soon

The CEO of the gaming giant said that the technology could revolutionize the entire industry

7 reasons why accepting Bitcoin could help a business

Choosing crypto as a payment method has many advantages, both for the merchant and for the buyer

CFTC President, “Too much regulation might harm cryptocurrencies”

During an interview with CNBC, Christopher Giancarlo of the CFTC stated that the idea is that of a permissive approach to cryptocurrencies, aimed primarily at reducing fraud and manipulation.

Link University, the first Italian blockchain master degree

The Roman Campus launches a university course on the economics of cryptocurrencies. Also available in English

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