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Crypto increase: a sleepless night for traders

The planned maintenance of BitMex creates chaos among operators, with automatic hedging of short contracts. Bitcoin over the 6,600 resistance, now becoming a support

SEC’s decision on the bitcoin ProShares ETF

The US supervisory body will make a decision in a couple of hours, a rejection is very probable. Next requests in line are Bitwise (September 7), Direction (September 21) and CBOE's VanEck SolidX bitcoin (September 30).

CCID, EOS ranking first. Bitcoin gains positions

The Chinese ministerial body updates the blockchain ranking, evaluated according to performance and development

Crypto signals: The Turkish lira beats bitcoin

The week began with a majority of positive signs for the first 20 cryptocurrencies but most of them have increases of only 2% or less

The bear is back, the crypto-market is red

After the great rebound of July, the market faces a difficult challenge with values that for some big players fall to the lows of the year. ICOs are also lagging behind

The Infinity Film Festival at Beverly Hills

The first film event dedicated to blockchain technology will be hosted in the Californian city in early November.

“Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain” coming soon

Two film studios have collaborated with the well-known documentary filmmaker Alex Winter to describe the evolution of this technology

Hollywood embraces blockchain with MovieCoin

Users of the platform will be able to finance their films with tokens. Other projects include SingularDTV and Tatatu

Digital identity: The three basic approaches, their benefits and drawbacks

The advent of D.I. is inevitable in all kinds of spheres. Here’s why and what it entails

The SEC rejects the Winklevoss ETF. And the market reacts

Negative awakening for almost all major cryptos. VeChain has a 30% leap upwards, while Stellar is not doing so well

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