
DeFi - search results

Blockchain beer, an advertisement deal

The world's largest manufacturer AB InBev will evaluate the effectiveness of its communication through decentralized technologies

Here’s Neufund, the “Nasdaq of cryptos”

For the first time, the capital of a dozen international startups will be transformed into equity tokens, by means of completely legal fundraising on the blockchain. Here are the names of the first six

Crypto market news: time to celebrate

The market attempts to recover after several days of suffering. Positive signs for 95% of digital coins, Ontology is doing very well

In Israel bitcoin is used to pay wages

Internet company Spot.IM is negotiating with government authorities to pay employees with BTC as well

Protos: rules for giving cryptocurrencies value

The Asset Management company has developed a model to identify the fundamentals of virtual currencies

For the SEC Ethereum is not a security

The American institution has stated that ETH and BTC are payment currencies

Xilinx Virtex VCU1525: Are FPGAs for mining back in vogue?

The Xilinx Virtex VCU1525 is an FPGA that can be used for cryptocurrency mining

For Jimmy Wales crypto no, blockchain yes

The founder of Wikipedia considers the network of blocks a mathematical fact that no one can ever prohibit. While regarding cryptos: "too much euphoria and pointless spending of money".

Lithuania in the club of ICO friendly countries

Vilius issues a regulation for token sales which makes it easier to launch. The tax advantages are also substantial

According to Sec Bitcoin is not a security

Jay Clayton says that cryptocurrencies are digital currencies used to facilitate transactions and that it is probably not the American institution that will monitor them.

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