
Bitfinex - search results

Why does the US dollar dominate BTC-Fiat trading

A Cryptocompare report gives us some useful information on what is happening on crypto exchanges

Decentralized or centralized exchanges?

Nakamoto created the blockchain as "peer-to-peer", but when it comes to exchanges this idea still seems a long way off

The Bitcoin spread tightens

The price of BTC on Bitfinex keeps going down, while on the other platforms there are small fluctuations in the 6500 dollars area

ZRX trading, the enthusiasm is back for 0x

More than 48 hours after the sudden declines in prices, the markets are trying to return to normality

News about trading Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple

After yesterday morning's shock, the second day starts with the attempt to find a point of balance once again

Bitcoin, Tether causing the hype. Or maybe not

At first light of dawn, a sharp upward movement made the prices of the whole sector rise

Blockstream, Liquid is finally online

The San Francisco startup released the sidechain after 3 years of work

Aidcoin, the first proven case of a transparent crypto donation

An operation of donation of funds to a charity in Kenya has been successfully concluded, completely tracked on a public blockchain.

The unknown BnkToTheFuture (BFT) outperforms the market

The days continue to flow without any excitement

Which are the most secure exchanges?

An ICORating report provides us with information on which platforms give the most guarantees to their users

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