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New York mining, a very profitable business

Thanks to a remarkable production of low-cost hydropower, NY is an ideal place to mine and wants to attract businesses to the area.

Aleksi Grym, Bank of Finland: “Cryptos are not money”

With a 133-page document the BOF closes the door to digital currencies. And he says: "we must not confuse money and technology"

Blockchain banking, an epic challenge

While cryptocurrencies arouse reluctance among lenders, there is more openness to the block network. Short journey among the pioneers of innovation and those who would like to stop in the past

Popular bank of china against cryptos

The Central Bank’s Vice President, Gao Gongsheng, confirms the ban on ICO and digital currencies. And invokes more strict rules against "the riskiness of the Internet"

Binance Vs Buterin: the war of the blockchain world

The battle between the great exchange continues and the genius of ETH

London Football Exchange scores a goal on the blockchain

The London Football Exchange teams up with Penta to manage ticketing activities, offer stadium visits, team meetings and more. And the PNT token flies

Europe officially recognizes virtual currencies

All EU member states will have to implement a Directive defining cryptocurrencies from a legal point of view by January 2020

Less expensive policies with the Blockchain insurance

Globally, the sector could have savings of up to 200 billion. And produce at least seven technical advantages

Kiev competition, 5000 satoshi for the winner

The competition on how to depict the legendary creator of Bitcoin with a monument in Kiev continues until July 22nd. Here's where to send the proposals

Bancor hacked, and its funds frozen

The decentralized exchange remains frozen to avoid possible damage, but protests rise on social media

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