
The Graph - search results

Kriptan Network for an improved global identity verification

A few weeks ago, during the ICO Race event held in Lugano, we interviewed an interesting new ICO that is working in the digital identity industry

Israel, beacon of the crypto world

The country appears to be far ahead in ensuring transparency and privacy at the same time. In addition, the new tax rules on tokens could become effective as early as October.

Cryptocurrency Tax Issues. Guideline for Tax on Digital Funds

Cryptocurrencies are on the rise. The Bitcoin Dollar Forex is sky high and the blockchain technology has the potential to knock banks out of the game

Virtual currency market: Cryptos in decline but ICOs rising

In May 2018, 4.99 billion US dollars were raised, more than the top of March at 3.37 billion. The geography of tokens sales also changes, it's a race at the British Virgin Islands

Ten state channels solutions for the blockchain

With so-called state channels, user interactions are moved out of blockchain technology without increasing the risk between participants.

An Amazon crypto will be the end of the world

The FutureSin newspaper launches a challenge: the next battlefield between Bezos and Zuckerberg will be the blockchain. Followed by the tokenisation of the economy

EToro crypto trading will change finance

Guy Hirsch, CEO of the trading platform in the US, says digital currencies will change "the way the financial industry is currently working".

Crypto market update: long live Bitcoin, says Robert Shiller

Continua la debolezza, con i prezzi ai livelli più bassi da inizio anno. Unica nota di conforto le parole dell’economista Robert Shiller “Le crypto non sono una bolla, ma un movimento”

Diar’s research: “BTC Lightning Network will grow”

A DIAR study shows how BTC's Second Layer is just beginning to be a mainnet and still has a long way to go to establish itself as a transaction system

Voting on the blockchain in Zug On 25th June 2018

Until 1st July, the first test of an electronic voting system based on blockchain technology will take place in the Crypto Valley citadel in Switzerland. Starting from decisions about fireworks

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