
BNB - search results

Bitland blockchain, among the 50 most brilliant companies

A crypto company was included in the famous publication among the best business ideas of 2018

Binance Coin outperforms ETC and NEO on Coinmarketcap

The token of the famous exchange becomes the fourteenth cryptocurrency and the first token for market capitalization

Binance invests in TravelByBit

The exchange has invested $2.5 million in an Australian travel company

Binance joins the IPO listing rat race

After the words of Robinhood's CEO on the Wall Street listing, there are rumours around the exchange led by Chanpeng Zhao landing on the stock exchange

Heroes Prize Competition 2018, Maratea capital of startups

IoT systems, blockchain platforms and other fascinating technologies will compete during the event that offers 30 thousand euros for the family-friendly startup.

Huobi exchange recruits Jihan Wu, Don Tapscott and Randi Zuckerberg

The Asian exchange publishes the names of experts and partnerships of the new Advisory Committee. Some news also from Binance and Bitfinex

Celebrities and crypto, a good match

From top scorer Messi and the king of gloves Tyson to the actress Paltrow and Sir Richard Branson, here are some VIPs that embrace the blockchain revolution

Crypto trendline: Bitcoin’s power is growing but prices are falling

The past week full of good news was not enough to restore the confidence of investors who in the short term continue to be cautious with purchases

Crypto value: the bear is back, Bitcoin on the support

Losses spread on the market for the 5th day, while bitcoin's dominance rises, now at 49%. 7,300 area for to be monitored for BTC

Monero trading well, followed by Stellar and Binance

The bearish movement continues for the fourth consecutive day, but with some signs of improvement

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