
BNB - search results

Huobi exchange recruits Jihan Wu, Don Tapscott and Randi Zuckerberg

The Asian exchange publishes the names of experts and partnerships of the new Advisory Committee. Some news also from Binance and Bitfinex

Celebrities and crypto, a good match

From top scorer Messi and the king of gloves Tyson to the actress Paltrow and Sir Richard Branson, here are some VIPs that embrace the blockchain revolution

Crypto trendline: Bitcoin’s power is growing but prices are falling

The past week full of good news was not enough to restore the confidence of investors who in the short term continue to be cautious with purchases

Crypto value: the bear is back, Bitcoin on the support

Losses spread on the market for the 5th day, while bitcoin's dominance rises, now at 49%. 7,300 area for to be monitored for BTC

Monero trading well, followed by Stellar and Binance

The bearish movement continues for the fourth consecutive day, but with some signs of improvement

The SEC rejects the Winklevoss ETF. And the market reacts

Negative awakening for almost all major cryptos. VeChain has a 30% leap upwards, while Stellar is not doing so well

Crypto rise: Stellar doing very well. Bitcoin aims at the highs

The various cryptos are driving the market. Confirming a healthy bullish trend compared to a technical rebound

For the first time, ETH fees exceed those of BTC

The Ethereum blockchain clogged by token transactions, and the Bitcoin lightened by SegWit and LN, overtake the average fees

Pundi X to deploy 5,500 Bitcoin POS next month

The company has plans to install lots of new systems during the next month. And they aren’t supposed to be used only to accept the major cryptocurrency

Binance tokens to be destroyed, worth 33 million dollars

Every quarter, the exchange buys back and burns some of its BNBs in order to distribute part of its profits to investors.

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