
Lightning - search results

Scaling Bitcoin is not an issue

Why did the market crashed? What brought it down? Who’s responsible for this calamity? When will it fully recover?

Zucco introduces us to the RBG protocol

Interview with BHB Network founder: "We want to coordinate and stimulate the most credible Bitcoin community on the topic of Bitcoin-based digital assets. We are submerged by positive feebacks "

The new token class with Liquid Issued Asset

Bitcoin’s sidechain may also be used for other asset classes such as fiat currencies, credit or equity securities

Ten state channels solutions for the blockchain

With so-called state channels, user interactions are moved out of blockchain technology without increasing the risk between participants.

Vitalik Buterin : How to scale the Ethereum blockchain?

The founder of Ethereum describes possible ways to solve the biggest problem of all the blockchains. And he talks about sharding, Plasma and Casper

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

Live from the MJAC Cryptocompare event in London

Cryptonomist is in the UK Capital today with Giacomo Zucco, ParkinGo and more famous people from the blockchain ecosystem. Here are the pics directly from the conference

Bitcoin volume, the ups and downs

Have you seen the price of Bitcoin lately? It’s not only moving sideways as generally dropping in volume.

Decred exchange rate rises in ranking and opens a DEX

The cryptocurrency of hybrid consensus is rewarded for the efforts of transparency and decentralization. Decred exchange rate is now rising and new projects are coming.

Discovering Bitcoin LN

From bitcoin limitations to the possibility of carrying out instant transactions of microscopic amounts almost free of charge and respectful of privacy. Here's a guide to learn about the future

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