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News about the 0x Protocol

Version 2.0 was announced today by co-founder Will Warren

EOS fork, Telos fixes mainnet defects

A mainnet update of the most known crypto project of the moment is coming soon

Bancor EOS accidentally released to the public

One of the most popular and well-known decentralized exchanges — is expanding beyond Ethereum and a medium blog post has shown the new platform

COTI blockchain, “we’ve built the fastest and most scalable platform”

Cryptonomist interviewed Guy Klajman, who is working on a project that won the 1st place in the Google Tel Aviv Digital Conference 2018

Crypto View: Operator sentiment affected by the recent drops

After having pushed around a timid Bull that from mid-August had managed to climb quite efficiently, the Bear takes a break and keeps the situation under control

TVM, the Tron virtual machine that challenges Ethereum

The project will help developers create dApps with lower costs and memory usage

Apple prohibits Non Fungible Tokens, War Riders has been removed

The purchase of NFTs has been excluded by the policies of the big of Cupertino. This forces iPhone app developers to remove them

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland Will Gather Top Crypto Experts

On October 9, Geneva will welcome an important event about the blockchain sphere

Brass Golem launch anticipated, but the market remains sceptical

The launch of mainnet has been anticipated, probably to keep pace with some competitors and their developments. However, the token's price keeps dropping

XLM blockchain keeps on getting better

The XLM blockchain platform is establishing itself as an alternative to Ethereum and Ripple, mainly for the characteristics of its smart contracts.

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