
bitcoin - search results

North Carolina interrupts electoral donations in crypto

Candidates are prohibited from being financed in digital currencies, following republican Emmanuel Wilder's request to do so for a midterm vote.

Crypto expert Andrew Peel hired by Morgan Stanley

Andrew Peel, formerly Credit Suisse, is the new head of the sector. He knows his stuff when it comes to cryptocurrencies

The SEC against the Long Blockchain iced tea

The company producing the drink faces heavy penalties. They cleverly added the word blockchain to their name. The stock went up, but then they got delisted

Vitalik Buterin: “A crypto bubble? We’re at the tail end”

In a tweet, the co-founder of Ethereum clearly hypothesizes that the bear phase of the market is nearly at the end.

Jimmy Wales: “No Wikipedia token or ICO”

The founder of the online encyclopedia denies any rumour about a future token sale: "We are not interested".

USA Millennials drawn to cryptocurrencies

Another survey on American sentiment towards digital currencies. Those born between 1980 and 2000 want cryptocurrencies in their wallets

Technical Cicle: The bear is back in the game

August starts with the red sign for many cryptocurrencies. There are few green signs, including KuCoin and Stellar. Ripple is doing very well after the announcements, the market has definitely appreciated

Ethereum third birthday has passed, Vitalik critizes ETFs

For Ethereum's third birthday, its creator invites everyone to focus on the concrete and daily uses of crypto, a fact more important than the birth of the stock indexes

Charlie Lee advises HTC and their blockchain phone

Litecoin's creator will be the advisor of the project for the new smartphone called Exodus

Tron transactions: 80 times faster than Ethereum

Justin Sun points out 7 reasons for which he believes his creation is better than Vitalik's blockchain. More exchanges begin to support TRX's new mainnet

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