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Cryptomania infects soccer, basketball and F1

It is worth mentioning the initiatives of the Colombian football association James Rodriguez, who launched a personalized crypto aimed at the fans, and of the driver Fernando Alonso, who has sealed a very special partnership with Kodak.

Coinbase Custody debuts for institutional investors

The exchange announced a first deposit made last week: "We intend to become the most reliable and easiest to use crypto-custody service"

Big day today for Tron blockchain

The first real test of the new blockchain with the election of super representatives has begun. Project objective: the decentralisation of the web. But for some, it's just "Frankenstein"

Virtual currency market: Cryptos in decline but ICOs rising

In May 2018, 4.99 billion US dollars were raised, more than the top of March at 3.37 billion. The geography of tokens sales also changes, it's a race at the British Virgin Islands

Daniel Larimer EOS co-founder disappointed

A BP accidentally restores a frozen account and takes advantage of a hacker that makes many cryptos disappear. Co-founder Daniel Larimer says he's disappointed and proposes to clear the Constitution

Peter Nagle dissapointed by the Bank of Ireland

According to "The Irish Times", the companies selling Bitcoin in Eire have seen unjustly denied banking services

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

For Mougayar blockchain is just at the beginning

The guru of blockchain technology imagines an epochal change, superior to that introduced by the web. The future, he says, "is the decentralization of innovation itself".

The future of smart contracts is called ERC721 tokens

The new tokens provide copyright protection for works of art or professional activities. They can also be used in other fields, such as real estate

Zap Oracles Ethereum and Puff Daddy collaborate on a project

A platform for registration, protection and exchange of personal data based on blockchain technology announced a collaboration with the famous American rapper

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