
blockchain ethereum - search results

Four cryptos added to the FED database

Bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash and litecoin are added to the Federal Reserve database of St. Louis. An official entry into institutional finance

Beware of the scam fork of Tron Genesis

Violating the Reddit account of the Tronix moderator, a group of scammers asked unsuspecting users to create a new wallet and communicate the private keys

The litecoin futures debut at the City of London

The contracts denominated in dollars will be added to the platform of the English Stock Exchange on June 22nd. It will be possible to operate upwards or downwards.

Crypto market analysis: Bitcoin and the obstacle before it

The queen of crypto rejected for the third time in the 6850 dollars area. Ethereum Classic doing well

Cryptocurrencies trade market: cryptos take a break, look out for supports

Nothing escapes after the hack against the South Korean exchange Bithumb during the night. For bitcoin, it is now important to stay over 6,400.

The future of smart contracts is called ERC721 tokens

The new tokens provide copyright protection for works of art or professional activities. They can also be used in other fields, such as real estate

Here’s Neufund, the “Nasdaq of cryptos”

For the first time, the capital of a dozen international startups will be transformed into equity tokens, by means of completely legal fundraising on the blockchain. Here are the names of the first six

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

Kosovo mining, a new hub for crypto

Thanks to cheap electricity and labour supply, the country is becoming a landmark for mining companies.

Live from the MJAC Cryptocompare event in London

Cryptonomist is in the UK Capital today with Giacomo Zucco, ParkinGo and more famous people from the blockchain ecosystem. Here are the pics directly from the conference

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