
dollar - search results

Crypto trendline: Bitcoin’s power is growing but prices are falling

The past week full of good news was not enough to restore the confidence of investors who in the short term continue to be cautious with purchases

Eidoo wallet can store bitcoin now, on iOS as well

The Swiss app to store and exchange cryptocurrencies announced BTC's support on Apple devices

Crypto Guru Roger Ver’s involuntary gaffe

The crypto guru sends bitcoin to the governor of the island of Jeju to prove that it is easy to pay in crypto. But there is a law that prohibits gifts to a politician over $30

Starbucks crypto: no more coffee with bitcoin

A partial retraction for Vice-President Maria Smith after the acceptance of crypto payments

Hollywood embraces blockchain with MovieCoin

Users of the platform will be able to finance their films with tokens. Other projects include SingularDTV and Tatatu

Emercoin Blockchain against fake University degrees

Every year, at least 200,000 fake academic titles are produced around the world. Emercoin provides a solution to safely certify degrees

Starbucks blockchain, use crypto to pay coffee

The New York Stock Exchange operator called Intercontinental Exchange, has revealed its plans to launch a global digital asset platform in November

Okex exchange barely makes it out of the storm alive

The drop of bitcoin below $8,000 triggers a future long of $480 million. The exchange was forced to invest 2500 BTC to hedge. Then the announcement: the entire risk management system has to be reviewed

Crypto value: the bear is back, Bitcoin on the support

Losses spread on the market for the 5th day, while bitcoin's dominance rises, now at 49%. 7,300 area for to be monitored for BTC

John McAfee, the unhackable BitFi wallet

With three tweets the well-known entrepreneur explains why his Bitfi wallet can't be hacked

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