
DeFi - search results

Which banks use Ripple (XRP)?

As many as 54 partnerships with important names in the financial and banking world

Paolo Savona: blockchain technology will be implemented by the Consob

It is not yet clear how and when, but the sole candidate for the agency's presidency has stated that he would like to introduce these technologies into the agency's information processes

New York: stablecoin DAI enters real estate as security

FACTOR-805 is dedicated to a new residential building of 37 units

Elon Musk: “cryptos are better than paper money”

During an interview, Tesla's founder declares that he praises cryptocurrencies stating that they are a clear step forward, especially compared to paper money.

The blockchain could unleash the potential of the Middle East

Accenture's new research highlights DLT's innovative capabilities in the region

Cambridge Associates: “Institutions should study and make investments in cryptocurrencies”

By defining the cryptocurrency an investment sector, the company suggests studying these new assets since they could revolutionise the digital world.

Why ETFs Could Change the Crypto World: Pros and Cons

The arrival of futures, the most popular investment method among the retail public, risks upsetting the world of cryptocurrencies. For better or for worse

Blockchain and public sector: more justice and transparency?

The system aims at the complete removal of transactions and confidence based processes.

Here’s who accepts litecoin (LTC) as a payment?

There are hundreds, if not several thousands, of websites and shops that accept cryptos in exchange for goods and services.

Konovalov: “For now a russian regulation on crypto is not necessary.”

The Russian minister of Justice explained that the country is not currently interested in giving virtual currencies a legal status.

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