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Stasis proposes EURS coin based on the Ethereum blockchain

The aim is to close the gap between decentralised finance and the market outside the blockchain.

Daniel Larimer EOS co-founder disappointed

A BP accidentally restores a frozen account and takes advantage of a hacker that makes many cryptos disappear. Co-founder Daniel Larimer says he's disappointed and proposes to clear the Constitution

Other Pornhub cryptos, Tron and ZenCash?

The popular adult entertainment website will expand its payment methods, offering the opportunity to pay with coins that protect privacy

Crypto Advertising, Facebook removes the ban

The ads ban was removed from the web giant. A domino effect on other social networks is probable, also because the business is worth it

Voting on the blockchain in Zug On 25th June 2018

Until 1st July, the first test of an electronic voting system based on blockchain technology will take place in the Crypto Valley citadel in Switzerland. Starting from decisions about fireworks

Crypto exchange market: Bitcoin and Ethereum queens of trade

The attempt to react to the rise proves to be a technical rebound generated by important coverings of downward short positions.

China crypto ranking, Eos is in first place

The project for the ranking of digital currencies by a government body has been revised. EOS places itself in first place

Hacken reveals CER, Crypto Exchange Rates

Hacken launches first partial reliability index, let's see how it works

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

Italian crypto pegged to marble, says Bannon

The businessman, a militant of the American alt-right, has cited among his projects an Italian digital currency similar to the Petro. But we don't understand how it could work

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